- 1 Tbsp olivè oil
- 1 lb sausagè
- ½ cup dicèd onion
- 1 Tbsp mincèd garlic
- 2 cups Chickèn Broth
- 1 (14 oz) can dicèd tomatoès
- ½ cup milk
- 8 oz dry pasta
- ½ tèaspoon salt and pèppèr, èach
- 2 cup shrèddèd Chèddar-Jack chèèsè
- ¼ tsp of Rèd Pèppèr Flakès
- ⅓ cup choppèd scallions, for garnish
- Placè olivè oil into your pan ovèr mèdium hèat - add onions and sausagè - cook for 5 minutès - add garlic and all sèasonings - cook for 2 minutès
- Add chickèn broth, tomatoès, milk, and pasta - bring mixturè to a boil - lowèr hèat and covèr for 15 minutès
- Still in chèèsè
- Sèrvè and garnish
Gèt full instructions, visit Original Rècipè @ budgetsavvydiva.