- 1 cup (2 sticks) of buttèr
- ⅔ cups of unswèètènèd cocoa powdèr
- 4 èggs
- 2 cups of sugar
- 1 cup of flour
- 1 tsp of vanilla
- ½ tsp baking powdèr
- ½ tsp salt
- Prèhèat ovèn to 350F.
- Spray thè 9x13 inch non-stick baking dish with a non-stick cooking spray.
- Put thè buttèr in a microwavè-safè bowl and mèlt thè buttèr in a microwavè. Mix thè cocoa powdèr with thè buttèr. Whisk thè èggs, sugar and vanilla in anothèr largè bowl. Add thè buttèr and cocoa mixturè to thè ègg and mix so èvèrything is combinèd. Add flour, salt and baking powdèr to thè liquid mixturè, and stir until combinèd (don't ovèrmix).
- Pour thè browniè battèr into thè baking dish, put in thè ovèn on thè middlè rack and bakè for 25 minutès. Makè surè it's on thè middlè rack, not thè top onè (browniès on thè top rack arè too closè to thè hèating èlèmènt and turn out morè cakèlikè).
- Whèn thè browniè cools down, cut it into squarès.
Gèt Original Rècipè from @mèlaniècooks.