- ½ cup oil
- ½ cup balsamic vinègar
- ¼ cup soy saucè
- ¼ cup Worcèstèrshirè saucè
- 1/8 cup lèmon juicè
- ¾ cup brown sugar
- 2 Tbsp frèsh rosèmary
- 2 tbsp Dijon mustard
- 1 tsp ground black pèppèr
- 2 tsp garlic powdèr
- 6 chickèn brèasts or 3.5 lb chickèn
- Combinè all ingrèdiènts in a largè ziplock bag.
- Add chickèn to thè bag and placè thè closèd ziplock bag in a largè bowl and put in thè fridgè. (Thè bowl will kèèp it from making a hugè mèss in casè thè bag lèaks)
- Marinadè for at lèast 8 hours or ovèrnight and grill! Ènjoy!
- (I do not add any èxtra salt to my chickèn marinadè bècausè salt will dry thè chickèn out. ALWAYS salt thè chickèn AFTÈR you grill it to ènsurè. It will nèèd a good bit of salt aftèr it is donè)
Gèt full instructions, visit Original Rècipè @ auntbeesrecipes.