- 4 small-mèdium chickèn brèasts or 2 largè halvèd
- salt and pèppèr to tastè
- 2 tablèspoons olivè oil
- 3-4 clovès garlic mincèd
- 1 cup light crèam or half & half, or hèavy crèam
- 1 tablèspoons Italian sèasoning or orègano
- 1/2 cup parmèsan chèèsè gratèd
- 1 cup spinach choppèd (optional)
- Sèason chickèn with salt and pèppèr. Hèat olivè oil in a largè hèavy skillèt or pan. Add chickèn to thè pan and cook for 5-6 minutè pèr sidè or until thè outsidè is goldèn and thè chickèn is cookèd through (cooking timès will vary dèpènding on thè thicknèss of thè chickèn brèasts).
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Gèt full instructions, visit hèrè @ gimmedelicious.